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sciatica treatment

The sciatic nerve starts at the lower back and runs down the back of each leg into the feet. It’s the longest nerve in the body! Sciatica, or sciatic neuralgia, is a condition that refers to the pain caused by problems in the sciatic nerve. It can come and go throughout a person’s lifetime, but when it is acting up, it can cause a great deal of discomfort to the patient. Left unchecked, the nerve could become permanently damaged. So if your sciatica has become a problem, it’s important to get it checked out from the team at Glowaki Chiropractic.

  • Fire like pain going down the leg

  • Pins and needles in glutes and back portion of leg

  • Shooting pain from the low back into the glute region

  • Difficulty going from seated to standing

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symptoms of sciatica



common causes of sciatica

When the vertebrae in the lower back are compressed, the roots of the sciatic nerve can become pinched and irritated, which causes the pain, discomfort, and injury. Our work, family needs, and lifestyles can create a perfect environment for sciatica.

  • Sitting for long periods of time (road trips or at a desk)

  • Poor posture

  • Repetitive use injuries

  • Trauma (lifting weights, picking something up)

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alleviating sciatica

gentle adjustments

Even for patients who’ve been experiencing sciatic pains for a while can get back to their body’s natural alignment and find relief.

muscle rehab

Following the doctor’s orders can make all the difference. Sticking with any recommended at-home rehab, including stretches and exercises, can enhance your recovery. 

lifestyle changes

It typically takes less time to correct an issue than it did to create it. With a few simple exercises and lifestyle changes, you can create better habits to control your sciatica symptoms.


benefits of chiropractic

decrease pain

Depending on how long you’ve been experiencing symptoms, chiropractic intervention can help relieve pain quickly.

increase function

Persistent sciatic pain can prohibit function and mobility. There’s no reason you have to deal with that. Instead, fix the problem and get back to your life.

enhance quality of life

No one is at their best when they’re uncomfortable and in pain every day. Chiropractic and lifestyle adjustments can be the change you need.

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